
Discover the multifaceted country and its captivating people with “Dear India. A Love Letter in Photographs”. This 84-page photo book takes you on a visual journey through dazzling India, from the bustling hustle of the cities to the quiet corners of untouched natural landscapes. On every page, I want to show a new aspect of this impressive country, as a heartfelt love letter to India itself.

Craft Werk 4 Issue 04 comes this time in two cover variants.
Optionally in the Fashion (Mia) Edition, or in the Nude Art (Desiree) Edition.

»Mellow« describes a sense of serenity that surprises with humor and personality. I show moments with women who embrace life. Gentle and wild, crazy and playful.

This book is dedicated to my father – it is a book about the variety of picks. But it is also an invitation to my father to „pick variety“!
My father used one and the same tooth pick for years. The good piece slumbered in his jacket pocket. He spurned fresh produce from the supermarket, and attempts to bribe him came to nothing. An exotic had to be found!

The portraits show the artists in their individuality, without any staging on my part; I photographed the artists as they wanted to portray themselves. What the artists reveal about themselves was up to them. The portraits are not about my idea of art , but rather to show the diversity of artistic expression and life.

Although the ripped jean was a subcultural phenomenon, the trend became very popular in the 90s and was accepted by a variety of cultural influences, from Kurt Cobain to hip-hop, solidifying its place as a mainstream fashion element.

7 years of preparation and 2 special projects. The #ObenOhneProjekt is about expressiveness. In the hard times of cancer treatment and in the recovery phase.
The #4000KaratProjekt shows real, genuine beauty, away from the big glossy magazines.

Black and white photography in 12 contributions in different stretches, with 9 male and female protagonists in fine art print.

Photography in 9 contributions in different stretches with 10 protagonists in predominantly black and white fine art print.

“What Happens Next” stands, more than any other of my photo books, for the theme of storytelling and head cinema. The book includes eight image spreads plus a section of single images.